Real Estate Fight Club is a podcast for realtors, hosted by Jenn Murtland from Team Synergi Real Estate and Monica Weakley from My Coach Monica. Tune in to hear two different viewpoints about topics agents face every single day! Jenn’s direct, ‘no holds barred’ approach is in opposition to Monica’s softer, 'more relationship-based' approach, and when the two get together… it is a battle for the ages! No matter who you align with, you will walk away with solutions for today's real estate challenges from experienced real estate professionals.
Wednesday May 12, 2021
WWYD: Do Your Clients Understand What They Are Signing? - EP 13
Wednesday May 12, 2021
Wednesday May 12, 2021
This is a special series of Realtor Fight Club Podcast where we talk about situations that are potential ethics and professional standards violations. What Would You Do in these situations? All cases mentioned and the code of ethics can be found at www.JenniferMurtland.com/Vault
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley Website , LinkedIn, Facebook
- https://www.facebook.com/realestatefightclub
- https://www.facebook.com/SaulKleinInsights
Monday May 10, 2021
Can Another Agent Use Your Photos? - EP85
Monday May 10, 2021
Monday May 10, 2021
Hosts Jenn Murtland and Monica Weakley duke it out over the questions “What should you do if someone else uses your professional photos?” and “Should you borrow someone else’s photos?”. They discuss what constitutes violation and how to manage the overall use of photos and videos.
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn says that it is a violation of rules if another agent uses her professional photos.
- Jenn suggests calling an agent who has used the photos that you paid for, and addressing the situation.
- Time is Monica’s currency, so instead of chasing agents who had used her professional photos, she would prefer to drop the case.
- For Monica and Jenn, they don’t have any issue if someone is respectful and approaches them to ask if they can use their professional photos.
- Jenn inquires, “What if the seller cancels their contract with you and then they use your professional photos to go ‘for sale by owner’?”
- Monica admits to having borrowed HOA type pictures of the front or the pool, for example.
- In terms of recycling things, Monica brings up inspection reports and whether or not you should share that.
- The most important thing to remember is respecting the people who paid for the pictures and how everyone benefits from the situation.
- Jenn suggests offering to pay an agent for their photos.
- Laurie Sickles shares her viewpoints on agents using the professional photos that she had paid for.
- Laurie says she may feel inclined to report the act, but she prefers to stay calm and do nothing in order to build relations.
3 Key Points:
- Jenn and Monica share their opinion about what they would do if someone used their professional photos. Taking all of someone’s photo is a violation and there is a right way to handle the sharing of photos for a listing.
- Monica shares, “I would not call the other agent whose listing got canceled or expired before you got the new listing under an exclusive right to sell.”
- Tiebreaker Laurie Sickles, who has videography experience, is asked to share her view on “What would you do if another agent uses the professional photo that you paid for?”
*STOP yelling at your phone and yell at Jennand Monica instead! Join us EVERY Thursday at 12pm EST for Real Estate Fight Club in Clubhouse. If you have an iphone but don't have an invite yet, text Jennat 513-400-1691.*
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Laurie Sickles 614-893-0929 | lauriesickles@kw.com
Wednesday May 05, 2021
WWYD: Can You Share Other Agent's Listings On Your Website? - EP 12
Wednesday May 05, 2021
Wednesday May 05, 2021
This is a special series of Real Estate Fight Club Podcast where we talk about situations that are potential ethics and professional standards violations. What Would You Do in these situations? All cases mentioned and the code of ethics can be found at www.JenniferMurtland.com/Vault
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley Website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast | Facebook page
- Rachael Real |Rachaelreal@gmail.com | (630) 542-8688 | https://www.rachaelreal.com
Monday May 03, 2021
Does it Matter What You Wear to an Appointment? -EP84
Monday May 03, 2021
Monday May 03, 2021
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club podcast, hosts Jenn Murtland and Monica Weakley discuss the topic - “Does it matter what you wear to an appointment? They give the audience things to think about in their own business. Towards the end of the episode, tie-breaker Danny Baron, from KW Real-Estate, joins in to express his views on the topic.
Episode Highlights:
- Monica says that when you wear something to an appointment, what matters is that you're authentically you.
- She says to think about how to show up in a way that presents you as a professional.
- If Monica is showing up for a listing consultation or meeting a buyer for the first time, she is especially going to make sure to show up in a way that conveys that she is taking the meeting seriously.
- Jenn says everyone has a range of authenticity which can be yoga pants and a ball cap- to- a nice pant suit.
- Monica brings up that hair and make-up are also indicators of whether or not you took time to get ready for the meeting.
- Monica asks Jenn to discuss why she thinks what one wears out in the field should be different from interviewing for the job.
- Monica inquires if one should present themselves differently to the seller that is unrepresented?
- The problem comes when you get outside of the range of acceptable whether it be too casual or too formal.
- According to Jenn, clients don’t really care about what you wear, they care that you know how to do your job.
- Jenn and Monica both agree that in general, it’s a more casual society than what it used to be and simplicity goes a long way.
- It’s about showing up knowledgeable, ready, and having a plan.
- Jenn introduces tie-breaker Danny Baron who says it matters because of his desire to be genuine with the people that he is working with.
- Danny answers, “To me... to be genuine to who I am, I need to be able to wear what's going to be appropriate situationally.”
3 Key Points:
- Monica points out that there is a level of respect as a professional that you want to convey when you show up to an appointment, especially when you’re meeting clients for the first time.
- Jenn says that it is less about what you're wearing and more about how you're presenting yourself. It’s not about your clothes but about your comfort.
- Jenn suggests if your conversion ratio is not good then maybe take a look at that and see if there's any place you are being authentic, specifically what you are wearing, driving, etc.
*STOP yelling at your phone and yell at Jenn and Monica instead! Join us EVERY Thursday at 12pm EST for Real Estate Fight Club in Clubhouse. If you have an iphone but don't have an invite yet, text Jennat 513-400-1691.*
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Danny Barron | Website | (513) 600-4117 I danny@barongrouprealty.com
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
WWYD: Can You List a Property at an Excessive Price?-EP11
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
Wednesday Apr 28, 2021
This is a special series of Realtor Fight Club Podcast where we talk about situations that are potential ethics and professional standards violations. What Would You Do in these situations? All cases mentioned and the code of ethics can be found at www.JenniferMurtland.com/Vault.
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley Website , LinkedIn, Facebook
- Realtor Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Rachael Real |Rachaelreal@gmail.com | (630) 542-8688 | https://www.rachaelreal.com
Monday Apr 26, 2021
To Price a Home, Do You Need To See It? -EP83
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club podcast, hosts Jenn Murtland and Monica Weakley discuss the question: “Do you need to walk through a house before you price it?” Tie-breaker Michelle Weadbrock joins in to express her views on the topic.
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn says she does not need to do a walkthrough of a house before pricing it because in this market, you can get a close figure that would be good enough.
- Monica points out that there can be issues like smell which can affect the pricing of a house.
- Jenn supports technology-based research and gathering the details on a client call.
- When it comes to visiting houses, Jenn is 50-50 about it. She is not a “YES” all the time.
- Jenn says, “Where we live, there are not a lot of variables.” If she is an area with a lot of variables, then she will go.
- Monica shares one incident when she visited a house, and there was a working wood mill behind it. It was great, but it was loud.
- Monica stresses the importance of visiting a property to plan the staging of the house properly.
- Jenn and Monica discuss how you can get persuaded or influenced once you get into a house.
- Tiebreaker, Michelle Weadbrock, thinks that if you ask the right questions visiting a property is not required.
- Michelle uses technology as a tool to tour the house using video calling to look for things like broken ceilings, cracked walls etc.
- Jenn asks, “Are there certain circumstances when you absolutely have to walk through a house or do you think that you never have to?”
3 Key Points:
- Monica points out that apart from the smell, the woodwork and condition of the house are also important to note. "When you get inside a house, you feel it."
- Jenn and Monica discuss whether they would go and see the property if they get a listing.
- Jenn and Michelle talk about several questions that one can ask to get an overall idea about the property and if it's totally necessary to go see it in person.
*STOP yelling at your phone and yell at Jenn and Monica instead! Join us EVERY Thursday at 12pm EST for Real Estate Fight Club in Clubhouse. If you have an iphone but don't have an invite yet, text Jenn at 513-400-1691.*
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website, LinkedIn, Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Michelle Weadbrock: (513) 335-7254 | michelle@reinvestconsultants.com
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
WWYD: Can you advertise sold properties from previous Brokerage?-EP10
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
Wednesday Apr 21, 2021
This is a special series of the Real Estate Fight Club Podcast where we talk about situations that are potential ethics and professional standards violations. What Would You Do in these situations? All cases mentioned and the code of ethics can be found at www.JenniferMurtland.com/Vault.
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Your Friend Lists Their Home as an FSBO EP82
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club podcast, hosts Jenn Murtland and Monica Weakley brainstorm about what happens when someone lists their property as “For Sale By Owner” (FSBO). Monica Weakley starts the episode with a genuine question and tries to understand why people choose to do such a thing?
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn points out the obvious answer that it is more about money.
- Monica says that when it comes to selling houses, she goes more towards the security aspect.
- Buyers know why people have listed houses as FSBO, and they usually dupe the owner.
- Jenn shares a classic example by hinting at the entire process towards garage sale. She asks, would you ever go to a garage sale and pay the total price? Monica gives a flat “No” for an answer.
- Jenn and Monica discuss how to ask friends if they are planning to list their property as FSBO.
- Jenn shares that people are often scared to deal with FSBO.
- Monica urges the listeners to think: “Do you have an agent you are comfortable with?”
- Monica shares her concern that if a friend decides to list their house as FSBO, they should somehow convince them not to travel through that road.
- Tiebreaker Mike Morawski joins in to share his views and experience related to FSBO.
- Mike is a trainer and coach in the real estate industry, he also has two podcasts, Insider Secrets and Multi-Family Unplugged.
- Jenn asks Mike “What do you do when your friend decides to list their house as FSBO?”
- Mike prefers his friend to approach him and discuss their problem, concern, or opinion regarding FSBO, rather than finding out later.
3 Key Points:
- Monica asks Jenn “What do you say specifically to convince your friend not to list their house as FSBO?”
- Listeners get to know Jenn’s and Monica’s number 1 tip for a friend who has listed their house as FSBO, and it is already too late.
- Mike believes in following simple strategies and plans, and it is to give back. Even if it is someone he does not know, he will help them in such a manner that they benefit from it.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website, LinkedIn, Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Mike Morawski Website |https://mycoreintentions.com/exitplan | Insider Secrets Podcast | Multi-Family Unplugged Podcast | mike@mycoreintentions.com
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
WWYD: Dual Agency Commission Disclosure?- EP09
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
Wednesday Apr 14, 2021
This is a special series of Realtor Fight Club Podcast where we talk about situations that are potential ethics and professional standards violations. What Would You Do in these situations? All cases mentioned and the code of ethics can be found at www.JenniferMurtland.com/Vault
- Jenn Murtland | Website | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | LinkedIn
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley |Website | Facebook | LinkedIn
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast | Facebook page |
- Rachael Real | Wesbite | (630) 542-8688 | Rachaelreal@gmail.com
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Should Residential Agents Sell Commercial Property? EP81
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club podcast, hosts Jenn Murtland and Monica Weakley are locking antlers on the topic - What do you do when your buyer wants to see a commercial property, and you are not a commercial agent? During the second half, Todd Schroth, an EXP agent, joins in to answer the tie-breaker question.
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn sees all queries as listings, so she partners with a commercial agent to learn about it.
- Not jeopardizing the client relation, she hand-holds her clients and stays with them when referring them to an agent.
- Monica points out the different types of commercial listings and talks about how some commercial listings are similar to a residential purchase process.
- Jean and Monica discuss the importance of knowing critical nuances of an area that a realtor is handling.
- Todd Schroth was asked the tie-breaker question, "If your client wants to see a commercial property or something out of your wheelhouse, what do you do in such a situation?"
- Todd points out that when it comes to commercial real estate, the first step of any successful commercial real estate’s career is learning about the types of sectors.
3 Key Points:
- Monica points out - Are you doing something that you know you shouldn't be doing?
- Jean highlights how it is essential to stay true to your profession; when venturing out of your area of expertise, use your brain.
- Before venturing into commercial properties, it is crucial for a residential agent to know the nuances.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website, LinkedIn, Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page
- Todd Schroth Website | Facebook Group | (407) 247-4184 | YouTube