Real Estate Fight Club is a podcast for realtors, hosted by Jenn Murtland from Team Synergi Real Estate and Monica Weakley from My Coach Monica. Tune in to hear two different viewpoints about topics agents face every single day! Jenn’s direct, ‘no holds barred’ approach is in opposition to Monica’s softer, 'more relationship-based' approach, and when the two get together… it is a battle for the ages! No matter who you align with, you will walk away with solutions for today's real estate challenges from experienced real estate professionals.

Monday Sep 25, 2023
Why Are You Not Getting Listings? - Ep 209
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Monday Sep 25, 2023
Why Are You Not Getting Listings? - Ep 209
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Curtis Fenn talks about “Why Are You Not Getting Listings?” Curtis gives a reality check and talks about the real reason why agents are having a hard time finding listings.
Tune in and find out more about how you can leverage your relationships and social media to help you get those listings and reach your goal!
Episode Highlights:
- It's saying that the listings are down and your income will be down 30%.
- Jennifer highlights that Curtis sees agents constantly and he sees them grabbing market share, so she says that it could not be because of the market.
- Curtis agrees and says that it’s because of agents' strategy that helps them get more listings.
- Curtis also says that agents have to have a business strategy and he thinks a lot of people get into real estate because they go “6% this would be so easy to make a ton of money”
- Curtis emphasizes the importance of building relationships with people in their sphere of influence
- He discusses how to bridge the gap between people they know but haven't done business with, highlighting the importance of having a strategy to remind them of their real estate services.
- Consistently posting videos about real estate market updates can help build credibility and attract potential clients
- He recognizes the importance of referrals from past clients, as they are more likely to trust and refer someone based on their reputation.
- Unrealistic expectations about sphere of influence and lack of focus on building a reputation in real estate are common reasons for not getting listings.
- Agents need to leverage social media to build a reputation as an expert in real estate
- He encourages listeners to reassess their sphere of influence and set realistic goals for the number of deals they can expect from their closest contacts, rather than relying on generic marketing strategies
3 Key Points:
- The problem that agents face when it comes to the lack of listings is due to the fact that they do not create an effective strategy. They often think that they do not need a strategy for their business.
- It is important to build relationships with people in their sphere of influence and start to remind people of what your business is.
- Unrealistic expectations about sphere of influence and lack of focus on building a reputation in real estate are common reasons for not getting listings.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I think we're going into a market where agents need to understand that they run a business.” - Curtis Fenn
- “I think a lot of people get into real estate and they think they're going to you know they do the math, they go 6% like this would be so easy to make a ton of money.” - Curtis Fenn
- “I think people forget to that just because you're in real estate, it does not mean that the people that you know will use you.” - Curtis Fenn
- “Like agents are figuring out and they're coming into reality that their sphere is not big enough to produce the business that they want.” - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- IG: @curtisfenn_official
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Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Sep 18, 2023
How To Work Less & Make More In Real Estate? - Ep 208
Monday Sep 18, 2023
Monday Sep 18, 2023
How To Work Less & Make More In Real Estate? - Ep 208
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Knolly Williams talk about “How To Work Less & Make More In Real Estate?” Listen as they talk about three actionable steps that you can take right now to work less and make more in Real Estate.
Tune in and find out more about how to achieve working less and making more!
Episode Highlights:
- Introducing Knolly Williams, and his background
- Jennifer asks about three actionable steps that you can they can take right now to achieve working less and making more in Real Estate
- Knolly says that Mindset is everything and recommends the book “The Power of Your Subconscious Mind by Dr. Joseph Murphy”
- Knolly advises you to note everything you do in a listing. He says that we do 46 different things on a listing.
- Knolly says that he does 3-4 things on that list that really requires his license and the rest is done by someone else.
- Knolly has a “Secret Revenue Source” book that helps him hire 3 VA’s and not pay them out of his commission
- The 2 problems that Real Estate Agents will ever have is: You don't have enough money or you don't have enough time.
- Leveraging people, systems and tools is how to solve the two problems, generating leads and scheduling appointments.
- Spend three hours a day doing the only things that move the needle, and eventually, you will realize why you are doing them and why they matter.
- How to get to three hours a day and make more money. The four-step lead lifecycle, capture, incubate, and convert leads.
- Legacy is about not just leaving money, but knowledge.
3 Key Points:
- Mindset is everything. Everything happens first and foremost in the mind.
- Note everything you do in a listing. And we do 46 different things on a listing. Do 3-4 things that really require your attention and your liscense then leverage the rest.
- The 2 problems that Real Estate Agents will ever have is: You don't have enough money or you don't have enough time. Spend three hours a day doing the only things that move the needle.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “If you're in real estate, you know what it's like to be in famine, but when feast hits and you're more business than you can handle, you're overwhelmed.” - Knolly Williams
- “Everything happens first and foremost in the mind. “ - Knolly Wiliams
- “when you say I can't afford that. That is a affirmation. You just made a statement and you've told yourself, hey, he says he can't afford it.” - Knolly Williams
- “Legacy is about not just leaving money, but knowledge.” - Knolly Williams
- “The number one step is to hone your superpower. “ - Knolly Williams
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- https://knolly.com/official
- Super Power Test - 3 Hours a day Book - 7 step blue print
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
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Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Sep 11, 2023
Can You Hold An Open House For An Agent From Another Brokerage? - Ep 207
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Monday Sep 11, 2023
Can You Hold An Open House For An Agent From Another Brokerage? - Ep 207
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Jim Camarata talk about “Can You Hold An Open House For An Agent From Another Brokerage?” Jim talks about the code of ethics violation and how it’s related to this question!
Tune in and find out!
Episode Highlights:
- Jim says that you are not allowed to hold open houses for an agent from another brokerage in the state of Minnesota
- It is part of the code of ethics. 12 dash 5 says “Realtors shall not advertise nor permit any person employed by or affiliated with them to advertise Real Estate Services or listed property in any medium without disclosing the name of that Realtors firm in a reasonable and readily apparent manner, either in the advertisement or any electronic advertising via a link to a display with all required disclosures.”
- It’s misleading to have agents of different brokerages show a house.
- Jennifer says it’s confusing because you can still advertise a listing from an agent from another brokerage, given that you give the right credits.
- She exclaims that it makes no sense to have this limitation of cooperation. If we can show another person's listings in multiple ways, how is the open house different?
- Jim simply says that it’s written in the law.
- The seven-step guide to doing an open house
3 Key Points:
- Jim says that you are not allowed to hold open houses for an agent from another brokerage in the state of Minnesota. It is part of the code of ethics.
- It’s misleading to have agents of different brokerages show a house.
- Realtors are not allowed to advertise real estate services or listed property in any medium without disclosing the name of the realtor's firm.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “What is going on who's eXp and who's Keller Williams, who really has this authority to hold his property open?” - Jim Camarata
- “It makes no sense to have this limitation of cooperation.” - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- 7 step guide to holding an open house - Text 7 to 513-400-1691
- Jimcamarata@kw.com / Jim Camarata 612-562-7461 /
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Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
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Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Sep 04, 2023
How To Get A Buyer Agreement Signed - Ep 206
Monday Sep 04, 2023
Monday Sep 04, 2023
How To Get A Buyer Agreement Signed - Ep 206
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Christine Malloy talk about “How To Get A Buyer Agreement Signed” This may be the hardest part of the transaction for some agents out there.
Tune in and find out how Christine Malloy gets hers signed and what are the elements that lead up to a successful transaction!
Episode Highlights:
- How to get a buyer agreement signed?
- Christine Malloy always tries to get it signed but sometimes needs to be remembered, especially when on the listing side.
- Jennifer says that getting that signed is the hardest part
- Christine points out that buyers need to be educated with us, that's part of our job.
- Christine says that she does not take every buyer that comes her way.
- Jennifer asks Christine about the elements of her good buyer presentation
- Christine says that it starts with qualifying the buyer for what she knows she’s looking for
- Christine says that when a Buyer comes to her who has seen some houses online and asks to see them, Christine uses that as leverage. Her initial response is always a buyer questionnaire.
- If you want the buyer questionnaire, just text “Buyer Questionnaire” to 513-400-1691 and we'll send it over to you.
- Christine says that she prefers to do appointments personally and not via Zoom.
- Having them sign up for the houses they are seeing today is a good way to protect yourself in a market where there is low inventory.
- It's all about where you are in your business. The buyer presentation is all about setting expectations.
3 Key Points:
- The first commitment to the process is the buyer questionnaire. The buyer questionnaire is the first step in the process.
- In-person consultation is preferred in-person, especially if the buyer is not local and wants to see some houses before making an offer.
- It's all about where you are in your business. The buyer presentation is all about setting expectations.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I just think buyers need to be educated with us, that's part of our job.” - Christine Malloy
- “It's really knowing what your value is.” - Christine Malloy
- “I know my value proposition I know who I can help.” - Christine Malloy
- “I love any buyer who wants to be helped and can listen and you can learn that really fast in the meeting.” - Christine Malloy
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- Want The Buyer Questionnaire? - Text the Buyer Questionnaire to 513-400-1691
- https://christinemalloy.elliman.com/
- Christine Malloy - 516-474-8909
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Aug 28, 2023
This Is How To Scale Your Business - Ep 205
Monday Aug 28, 2023
Monday Aug 28, 2023
This Is How To Scale Your Business - Ep 205
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Kyle Seyboth talk about “How To Scale Your Business?”. Learn about how Kyle went from doing seven deals in the first year to doing over 500 deals in a short amount of time!
Tune in and find out more about how you could scale up your business and reach financial goals!
Episode Highlights:
- How Kyle went from doing seven deals in the first year to doing over 500 deals in a short amount of time.
- Kyle became an expert in delegation
- Leveraging a team strategy to increase profitability and net profit as a team
- Money-generating activities, meeting with new sellers, getting buyer agents, and getting buyers signed up to work with investors
- Some agents argue that the customer service part of the transaction is what generates the money, while others argue that it is the transaction coordination
- The first thing to do in order to scale is to figure out what works in your area and in your location
- Financial freedom is the ultimate goal, do what you want when you want, with whom you want, and how long you want
- Advice for people wanting to grow their business, stop with a scarcity mindset and continue with a mindset of abundance
3 Key Points:
- Leveraging a team strategy to increase profitability and net profit as a team. It is your ability as an agent to leverage things that don't generate income and allow yourself to focus on those income-producing activities.
- The first thing to do in order to scale is to figure out what works in your area and in your location. Also, understand what worked for you in the past. Look at where all your business from the past came from.
- Stop with a scarcity mindset and continue with a mindset of abundance. Strive for greatness and success.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Make the best out of a situation that you know some folks are going to die on the vine other folks are going to get through it” - Kyle Seyboth
- “I became an expert in return on investment and my ability to invest in the business and grow the business by having gasoline on fires that were already producing good results.” - Kyle Seyboth
- “ And yes, maybe I'll do every single task better than my staff. But at the end of the day, if that's not a good use of my time, why would I spend time doing it.” - Kyle Seyboth
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- https://www.seybothteamhomes.com/agents/114686-Kyle-Seyboth/
- https://www.instagram.com/theseybothteam/
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Aug 21, 2023
How To Craft Your Unique Selling Proposition? - Ep 204
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
How to craft your unique selling proposition? - Ep 204
In this Real Estate Fight Club episode, Jennifer and Coach John Kitchens talk about "How to craft your unique selling proposition??" This topic spotlights the importance of standing out and not falling into a commodity.
Tune in and find out how you can understand your value proposition and how you can differentiate yourself from other agents.
Episode Highlights:
- Jennifer says that as this market shifts, you have to know your value proposition.
- John says that it’s important to help stand out and not fall into a commodity.
- it's important to be able to articulate value in a way that connects with the ideal client.
- Everybody has a unique superpower, and it's being able to solve our client's problems
- The first step is to figure out who you want to help and what problems to solve.
- How to craft a unique selling proposition around a specific part of town, and why most agents are not initially suited to selling to buyers.
- Niching down can expand your clientele and not take clients away
- John says that he always knew their unique value proposition was the marketing aspect
- The value proposition is differentiating yourself from the other agent.
- Keep it simple and get back to the fundamentals, what do sellers want? What do buyers want?
- The clarity report is one of the most powerful exercises for agents to do right now. It is a powerful exercise to get back into the skills required four or five years ago.
3 Key Points:
- Value proposition, it’s important to help stand out and not fall into a commodity.
- The first step is to figure out who you want to help and what problems to solve. Niching down can expand your clientele and not take clients away.
- The value proposition is differentiating yourself from the other agent. Keep it simple and get back to the fundamentals. You don’t need to overcomplicate it. As long as it’s important to you and your client.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “But as this market shifts, it feels like you have to know your value proposition.” - Jennifer Murtland
- “Everybody has a unique superpower.” - John Kitchens
- “I think there has to be a level of knowledge and awareness of the market.” - John Kitchens
- “I think what's important is that it also can be simple (Value Proposition). It can be one simple thing.) - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- John Kitchens - https://coachcode.com (Clarity report) - Coach Code Podcast
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Aug 14, 2023
Are You Able To Advertise A Sold Listing? - EP 203
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Are you able to advertise a sold listing? - Ep 203
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer and Jim Camarata talk about "Are You Allowed To Advertise That Sold Listing?"
Tune in and find out more about whether or not you are allowed to advertise a sold listing. You wouldn’t want to end up in realtor jail, watch this episode!
Episode Highlights:
- Jim says that you can't tell the world that you participated in a sale if you did not participate.
- If you put out advertising materials on listings that have sold, you have to be directly involved in them. NARS says that it would be misleading to go against that.
- Jennifer asks that if you are given permission to advertise a for-sale listing and also gave credit to whom it was from, would that be okay?
- Jim recited article 12, Only realtors who participated in the transaction as the listing broker or cooperating broker, ergo the selling broker, who claims to have sold the property before closing a cooperating broker may post a sold sign only with the consent of the listing broker.
- Jennifer wants to clarify what is the difference between advertising a for-sale property and advertising a sold property because it feels the same.
- If the Ad Copy solicits new listings from potential sellers by implying that the agent/brokerage sold the listing when they didn't, it is against the rules
- The final verdict is that you are allowed to advertise for-sale to pending listings as long as you got permission and you also credit the people who are direclty involved in the transaction properly, but you are not allowed to do so for "SOLDS".
3 Key Points:
- If you advertise on listings that have sold, you have to be directly involved in them.
- Article 12 says only realtors who participated in the transaction as the listing broker or cooperating broker, who have sold the property before closing may post a sold sign only with the consent of the listing broker.
- If the Ad Copy solicits new listings from potential sellers by implying that the agent/brokerage sold the listing when they didn't, it is against the rules
Tweetable Quotes:
- “you can't tell the world that you participated in a sale if you did not participate.” - Jim Camarata
- “it implies that you had something to do with that sale.” - Jim Camarata
- “I mean, these are the properties that sold and I’m advertising my services and I see what they're saying like it's implied, but what's the difference between doing that for a for-sale property and doing that for a sold property? It feels the same.” - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- Jimcamarata@kw.com / Jim Camarata 612-562-7461
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Aug 07, 2023
Update on Buyer Broker Commission Lawsuits - Ep 202
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Update on Buyer Broker Commission Lawsuits - Ep 202
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer, Rachael, and Saul Klein talk about an "Update on Buyer Broker Commission Lawsuits"
Tune in and find out more about what would happen if it wasn't an automatic where you got compensated because one of the MLS rules changed. And the MLS no longer was an offer of compensation.
Episode Highlights:
- What if now, it wasn't an automatic where you got compensated because one of the MLS rules changed? And the MLS no longer was an offer of compensation.
- Civil cases are saying that sellers spend millions of dollars more than they need to because they were forced to offer compensation to buyer's agents and they shouldn't be
- A MLS chose to pay 3 Million to settle a lawsuit about compensation complaints
- The settlement is called injunctive relief. It stops antitrust practices and monetary damages.
- The injunctive relief is number one, eliminating the requirement that a seller must offer compensation to a buyer broker.
- The settlement requires the broker for the seller to provide notice to the seller that the seller is not required to offer compensation to a buyer
- The new model saves sellers and real estate consumers millions of dollars
3 Key Points:
- Civil cases are saying that sellers spend millions of dollars more than they need to because they were forced to offer compensation to buyer's agents and they shouldn't be
- The adjunctive relief is eliminating the requirement that a seller must offer compensation to a buyer broker.
- The settlement requires the broker for the seller to provide notice to the seller that the seller is not required to offer compensation to a buyer
Tweetable Quotes:
- “This matters because most agents aren't buyer's agents. I mean, a lot of people are and that's how they make their money, but they're not getting buyer agreements, even though Rachel and I tell you to all the time” - Jennifer Murtland
- “I would bet that pretty much most people in the industry that take listings don't present this to a seller in a way that they can make an informed choice” - Saul Klein
- “The seller is not going to accept an offer that financially doesn't make sense to them.” - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- Saul Klein - saul@bettercallsaul.realtor
- https://thedataadvocateblog.com/team/saul-klein/
- Rachael Real | rreal@dealwithreal.com | (630) 542-8688 | https://www.rachaelreal.com, http://Facebook.com/RachaelRealEstate
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Jul 31, 2023
Developing A Niche can help you make more money? - EP 201
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Monday Jul 31, 2023
Developing A Niche can help you make more money? - Ep 201
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club, Jennifer, Monica and Ryan Bowman talk about "Can developing a niche can help you make more money?" Ryan gives us an in-depth talk about how and why he niched down!
Tune in and find out more about the pros of developing target clients and why you should also think about doing this in your business!
Episode Highlights:
- Jennifer asks Ryan how he decided to niche down to veterans and first responders.
- Ryan responds by saying that the 911 incident made him look up to the first responders in the beginning, and that’s why he came up with the hero project.
- When you decide to niche down, you should always be sincere and really care about the people you want to help.
- Ryan’s program, his clients are first responders, he calls those “hero homes” and I give 20% of admission back whether they're buying or selling, or both in the form of a rebate.
- Jennifer asks the question “Why did you niche down?”
- Ryan responds you have lots of competition wherever you are, and being able to stand out will be really good for your business.
- Monica asks about his social media system that helped build his business and niche
- Jennifer asks why people hesitate to get a niche, and if people are interested in doing so, what steps should they take?
- Ryan answers that people hesitate that they will not have the same thing in common with other people
- Be consistent. Put the message out there every way you can. Take advantage of the current social media tools that we have to help people recognize what you do!
3 Key Points:
- When you decide to niche down, you should always be sincere and really care about the people you want to help.
- You have lots of competition wherever you are, and being able to stand out will be really good for your business.
- Be consistent. Put the message out there every way you can. Take advantage of the current social media tools that we have to help people recognize what you do!
Tweetable Quotes:
- “I remember 911 like it was yesterday and just you know seeing the pictures of the first responders, you know, at that scene, it just hit me and ever since then especially. It's just been something that I've been looking for a way to give back and to better support them.” - Ryan Bowman
- “So you have lots of competition wherever you are.” - Ryan Bowman
- “Whatever you do, you've got to be consistent.” - Ryan Bowman
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- Ryan Bowman social media - @rryanbowman - #realtorryan
- Text the word Niche to 513-400-1691
Thank You To Our Incredible Sponsor Partners (Get Great Discounts with these links)
Ghostpostr - https://www.ghostpostr.com/ (Get It For FREE!)
Pipeline Pro Tools - https://pipelineprotools.com/fightclub/
RedX - https://www.theredx.com/fight-club/
Achosa - https://www.achosahw.com/ (Use the Code FightClub)

Monday Jul 24, 2023
Should You Do Buyer Consultations?? - Ep 200
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Monday Jul 24, 2023
Should You Do Buyer Consultations?? - Ep 200
On this Real Estate Fight Club episode, Jennifer and Monica talk about “Should you do a buyer consultation?” Both of them have very different opinions on “When?” but always remember the “Why?”
Tune in and learn more about when you should do a consultation and how you can put your best foot forward during!
Episode Highlights:
- Monica asks Jennifer why she thinks it’s important to do buyer consultation. Jennifer answers that there is no logical reason why not.
- Monica says that Agents have a horrible reputation because they don’t ask questions and deliver just some sort of service.
- One of the reasons that agents have a bad reputation is that they need more professionalism.
- What do they cover in a buyer's presentation? When do they do it?
- Monica argues that it’s realistic when you show a house first before she does a consultation.
- Jennifer disagrees. She says that doing the consultation first will serve as leverage. After the talk, you go to the house right after.
- Always get the buyer agreement. The buyer agreement will be required. Might as well start doing it now.
- Monica says that a buyer’s agreement allows for the conversation to happen. So it allows you to talk about for sale by owners and allows you to talk about new construction and then it's in writing.
- A buyer consultation is also a way to find out what they think is going on in this market.
3 Key Points:
- Professionalism shouldn’t always mean sticking to the script. It should also focus on getting the clients to understand and be understood. Ask proper questions and as an agent, it’s also important to educate the client.
- Take advantage of the consultation, and use that time to have a proper and much-needed conversation with your client. Ask about their expectations, priorities and also about what they think about the market.
- One of the components of a Buyer’s Consultation is a Buyer’s Agreement. The buyer agreement will be required. Might as well start doing it now.
Tweetable Quotes:
- “Why we have a horrible reputation as agents is because we just take a piece of business and we just roll with it. We don't ask questions. “ - Monica Weakley
- “Whether you're doing listing or buying, do not go full bore, put your best foot forward, put your system in place, and demonstrate your process.” - Monica Weakley
- “I think you should set the appointment for the buyer's consultation use the house that they want to see as leverage to set that appointment and you can go right after that.” - Jennifer Murtland
- “You are not their realtor until they agree the only way they agree is by signing a paper agreeing that it's happening and agreeing that you get paid.” - Jennifer Murtland
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
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