Real Estate Fight Club is a podcast for realtors, hosted by Jenn Murtland from Team Synergi Real Estate and Monica Weakley from My Coach Monica. Tune in to hear two different viewpoints about topics agents face every single day! Jenn’s direct, ‘no holds barred’ approach is in opposition to Monica’s softer, 'more relationship-based' approach, and when the two get together… it is a battle for the ages! No matter who you align with, you will walk away with solutions for today's real estate challenges from experienced real estate professionals.

Monday May 29, 2023
How Do You Write The Perfect Property Description? - EP 192
Monday May 29, 2023
Monday May 29, 2023
How Do You Write The Perfect Property Description? - Ep 192
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club Podcast, Jenn and Monica are addressing the question, “How do you write the perfect property description?” Monica says, “Every single person thinks about the answer to this question differently, that is why it is a great question.”
Tune in and find out how you can have better property descriptions for your listings.
Episode Highlights:
- Monica says she hopes agents are seeing the market as an opportunity. As many are hanging up the license everyday in droves which also means less competition.
- Jenn says she doesn’t mind the competition but she wants it to be done right and people to level up.
- Monica and Jenn talk about the annoying things agents do in the competition.
- Jenn talks about a book she is reading that helps to consider other people’s perspectives called, “101 Essays That Will Change The Way You Think”.
- Monica is reading a book called, “Traction.” Her and Monica discuss their top essential books they recommend.
- How do you write a perfect property description?
- Jenn talks about ridiculous descriptions she has seen on Facebook which are usually For Sale By Owner.
- Monica says to her there are 2 types of property descriptions-one that just repeats everything that is already in the listing and the other one that is more of a story to help you envision it as your home.
- Jenn tends to like the more factual descriptions and explains why she thinks it is better.
- The goal with a description Monica says, is to get somebody to take the next step in.
- Monica asks Jenn what she was looking for in the most recent properties she purchased.
- How do you fill in the gaps of what cannot be conveyed in the MLS and paint the picture for potential buyers? “It doesn’t have to be cheesy”, says Monica.
- Jenn notices that a lot of people will work on a description forever to try to make it perfect. What is the cut off point?
- What about picture descriptions?
- Different personalities gravitate towards different types of descriptions
- Monica likes as much information as possible when looking for a home so she appreciates the effort but also doesn’t know that it truly helps to sell the house.
- What are the benefits of a marketing specialist?
- Jenn talks about her and her partner Allen worked through pricing listings.
- Jenn and Monica talk about working in order of priorities and why you need to not get distracted with so many other things that aren’t essential to selling the house.
- What about what agents need to read that they don’t?
- Should the personality of the seller help you decide what kind of description to write?
- Monica talks about setting expectations when you make listings.
3 Key Points:
- Jenn has a coordinator who does her property descriptions and advises that everyone have one. Monica says that is not reality, many people do their own and should know how to.
- Monica talks about the purpose and key points of what a property description should include.
- Jenn and Monica agree that pictures matter and should be done professionally and also that you have to think about time efficiency when you are preparing listings.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
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