Real Estate Fight Club is a podcast for realtors, hosted by Jenn Murtland from Team Synergi Real Estate and Monica Weakley from My Coach Monica. Tune in to hear two different viewpoints about topics agents face every single day! Jenn’s direct, ‘no holds barred’ approach is in opposition to Monica’s softer, 'more relationship-based' approach, and when the two get together… it is a battle for the ages! No matter who you align with, you will walk away with solutions for today's real estate challenges from experienced real estate professionals.

Monday Mar 14, 2022
How Are Real Estate Agents Winning Deals In This Competitive Market?- EP 129
Monday Mar 14, 2022
Monday Mar 14, 2022
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club Podcast, Jenn and Monica are going to fight about what are the top negotiating strategies to win a deal? The two broad categories for winning the best deals are relationship with the agent and positioning of the offer. Your relationships in this market help you win deals. Tune in for all talk on structuring the deal and what strategy will come out on top!
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn’s hostility is going to come out with what you shouldn’t do if you’re trying to negotiate a good deal, says Monica.
- The tip is you do have to call the listing agent to ask questions. You can find out as much information as you can about the seller about what they want, what they’re looking for, but don’t be annoying about it, just be normal, suggests Jenn.
- The seller gets to decide about the offer, but realtors are also people, and we do not hide our feelings very well. We need to take the best offer, but if we know the agent is a lunatic, his clients are too.
- The first point of negotiation is the initial contact with the agent because you are finding out about the seller, and you are giving buyers what they want, says Jenn.
- Monica asks Jenn, “what do you think about saying to the agent, ‘if there is anything that your sellers need that you think we could adjust and get done, or opening the door for a comeback from them?’”
- A buyer’s consultation is so important because it is part of the negotiation and preparing them about the market and what to expect too.
- Cash is king, and it is still speaking louder than any sort of contingency. Cash or the best price is the motivating factor for the sellers.
- Relationship with the agent and then positioning is what needs the buyer to understand in the ranking of sellers, says Monica.
- If you are submitting a few contracts and it is not getting accepted as the buyer’s agent, the buyer will stop trusting you. So, bring somebody else in before you lose that client.
- Tie-breaker, Sheryl is an EXP agent out of Tampa, Florida, and she was part of the team that helped build the iBuyer program that EXP uses.
- In so many markets, the iBuying dynamic is prevalent and what Sheryl loves so much about working with investors is it is not emotional, it's all numbers.
- Jenn asks Sheryl, “What are some of the tips that you have seen work that maybe traditional agents haven’t thought about doing but could do?”
- There is no coincidence that for experienced, seasoned agents, 85 to 90% of their business comes from their spirit of influence, trust, and love with agents and clients, says Sheryl.
- Sheryl suggests acting according to the situation and learning what your client wants and needs, assessing the situation on the seller's side of what they want and need are tips for winning the deal because it is just a matter of managing both.
- If you are an agent doing less than ten transactions and a single deal represents 10% of your annual income, you have to get to a place where you can pull yourself and your wants, and it has to be focused on helping your client, says Jenn.
- Sheryl has 36 iBuyers transactions with an admin and produces profitable lucrative business in a month. She says that her investors are working in multiple markets and explains what it looks like.
- We need to bring more value to the marketplace, and we need to do better in a collaborative nature, suggests Sheryl.
3 Key Points:
- Keep your honor and your word, people will pick your clients, says Jenn.
- If you have 30 showings, still call the agent because that is when they are going to tell you everything about that buyer. When they submit the offer, you have the leg up.
- In a multiple offer situation, you need to make yourself stand out somehow, especially when writing up your offer, says Sheryl.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
- Sheryl Houck - eXp Workplace: https://www.facebook.com/sherylhouckrealtor/
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