Real Estate Fight Club is a podcast for realtors, hosted by Jenn Murtland from Team Synergi Real Estate and Monica Weakley from My Coach Monica. Tune in to hear two different viewpoints about topics agents face every single day! Jenn’s direct, ‘no holds barred’ approach is in opposition to Monica’s softer, 'more relationship-based' approach, and when the two get together… it is a battle for the ages! No matter who you align with, you will walk away with solutions for today's real estate challenges from experienced real estate professionals.
Monday Feb 06, 2023
Monday Feb 06, 2023
On this episode of the Real Estate Fight Club Podcast, Jenn and Monica are honored to be joined by Levi Lascsak who is a YouTube master. He joins the show to share his top 3 tips for generating leads on YouTube. Whether you are a new or seasoned real estate agent, you will benefit from his valuable insights and strategies. Tune in now.
Episode Highlights:
- Jenn introduces Levi Lascsak who is at eXP realty as a real estate agent. His team is called the Living in Dallas Team.
- Levi released their first video on Dec 5, 2020 during COVID when he started his real estate career. His business partner, Travis also got licensed in Dec 2020. They just hit the two year anniversary mark.
- Levi and Travis did not sell any homes in Q1 of 2021. It took them 90 days to get the first deal to close from YouTube and they closed the first two transactions in April of 2021. The last 9 months of 2021, they closed 64 transactions, 33.5 million in volume, and hit right over 1 million in commissions.
- In 2022, their success completely snowballed. He shares their incredible jump in success.
- Levi set out to make a steady Eddy living. He didn’t want to cold call and door knock so he started with videos and referring business to agents.
- Levi shares how he met Travis and his ambitions.
- He shares the story of how they had to quickly add on people.
- How do you know when to start a team?
- By January of 2022, they had 10 agents on their team.
- Monica asks Levi how he navigated creating videos.
- Levi explains that he made a plan prior to getting into real estate; He started research in the summer of 2020 when his business shut down because he worked with schools on retirement plans and they shut down due to COVID. He began to consider how to pivot.
- YouTube was Levi’s last choice. He realized it was a search engine so you can figure out what people are searching for on YouTube and Google. People were trying to learn about buying and selling…Levi used his knowledge about Dallas to create content and attract people.
- His YouTube Channel, Living In Dallas was built on providing information about the area and understanding search terms.
- How do you get leads from YouTube?
- Levi has a book called Passive Prospecting that is coming out soon! He breaks down the principles of YouTube as well as breaks down the process for how to start your own channel with all of the components.
- “If you treat YouTube like a business, it will pay you like a business”, says Levi.
- Levi says research, plan, and then film.
- What should a timeline look like for filming, editing, and publishing ahead of time?
- Do you feel guilty about not generating leads and therefore struggle to take time off? Levi has advice.
- Levi does 3 videos/week. He says consistency and quantity is especially important up front. The more you do it, you develop muscle memory and it gets easier, you then start to build quality.
- Is there a category that is watched more than others? Levi talks about the categories and the ways they can be utilized.
3 Key Points:
- How can you make yourself known as a new real estate agent? Levi has been in the business just over 2 years with huge success. He shares how he learned to utilize YouTube.
- How do you get leads from YouTube? Levi explains how you research and plan for success.
- Levi shares valuable tips for being able to have passive prospecting and guilt-free time off.
Resources Mentioned:
- Jenn Murtland LinkedIn | Facebook | (513) 400-1691 | Website | Instagram
- https://jennifermurtland.com/Vault/
- Monica Weakley website | LinkedIn | Facebook
- Real Estate Fight Club Podcast Facebook page | Instagram | YouTube
Levi Lascsak - https://passiveprospecting.com/
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